Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 16

I'm feeling really good minus the whole house getting the stomach bug last weekend. I went to the doctors on Thursday for my 16 week checkup. Everything looks and sounds great. Heart rate was 146 BPM. My next appointment is on August 22nd this is for the big 20 week anatomy scan and likely my last ultrasound. I'm really hoping Chris is home in time to go. For the record...we will not be finding out the gender. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 14

Week 14 recap...
First week of the second trimester. I have to say I am feeling better. My appetite has returned for the most part with the exception of a few strong waves of nausea. Below is a photo from my birthday last Thursday. I guess you could say that I'm starting to have a "bump". How exciting!!! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 13

Yah, last week of the first trimester! Second trimester begins on Wednesday at 14 weeks. I feel lucky in that I had a pretty "easy" first trimester as far as morning sickness goes. From what I remember, I only vomited maybe 8-10 times. However in my defense, I have had an extreme loss of appetite due to constant nausea...yuck! For those of you who know me, I love food! Also, no one warned me of having to pee at least 2-3 times every night. Then it takes awhile to fall back to sleep. Also, very unlike me. This is a wonderful experience and Chris and I are very grateful that everything is moving along as it should. 
I plan on taking weekly belly photos soon. I was waiting until I have a "belly".  I'm assuming that is going to be soon considering my jeans no longer button. I found that out the hard way when working at Texas Roadhouse Friday night. Thank goodness we wear belts and aprons! 
Lets go trimester number two. 

According to